Research with 645 city mayors in São Paulo state
The challenge: to interview all the city mayors inthe state of São Paulo
(645) in a short period of time, from the result of the elections to their
taking office on January 1st, 2009.
The original request was to conduct
phone interviews. The mayors who were re-elected could never be found in
their offices and thosenewly elected were no longer in their electoral
committee head quarters.
Network made the study possible within the deadline
by using multiple techniques of data collection, visits to the Government
Palace and even international calls.
25 colors
The challenge: a new brand of hair dye needed to test the whole color chart, as
well as understanding the consumers experience with the innovative packaging.
What was done: 150 allergy tests were carried out in our central location,
followed by home-use test. Subsequently 25 group discussions were held in
which the consumers presented their diaries and discussed their experience
with the product.